
If you have reached this page by being redirected from another website there may be a problem. Please accept our apologies. You can reach us by completing our online form or for quicker service call us at (954) 599-3253.
Forms of Payment
We use Paypal for all our checking and credit card payments. We send a linked invoice that will direct you to the Paypal site, which is of course accredited and secure.
Customers will be invoiced via email.
Cancellation Policy

We reserve the right to cancel service at any time for any reason. Should we cancel service, prepaid annual or quarterly fees for service not rendered will be prorated for whole months only and refunded.

Customers may cancel their account(s) at the end of their current billing period. To cancel an account, the customer must send an email via our online contact form stating their intention to cancel their account and specify the effective date of cancellation. For legal reasons, we do not accept verbal requests to cancel a hosting account.

When a customer requests cancellation of an account prematurely, no fees will be prorated or refunded.

Setup fees, processing fees and domain registration fees are not refundable.

Financial Arrangements
  • The Customer agrees to a twelve (12) month contract if making annual payment or a three (3) month contract if making quarterly payments, beginning upon commencement of service.
  • The annual payment plus a non-refundable setup charge, if applicable shall be due upon receipt of contract.
  • This agreement will automatically renew for successive quarterly or annual periods for the life of the contract until cancelled in writing. Cancellations MUST be sent by e-mail.
  • Initial payment is due with the contract. Quarterly payments are accrued on the day that the account was ordered.
  • Client should under no condition have an outstanding balance. Craig Com, Inc reserves the right to suspend accounts with an outstanding balance. A re-instating fee may apply to all suspended accounts. Please see fees below.
  • Client agrees to pay all fees and fines in addition to the base hosting fee.
  • Billing will be done through e-mail only.
Billing Period
Accounts are billed monthly, quarterly or annually depending on your payment plan.
Delinquent Accounts

Accounts that are 1 day delinquent in payment of balances due will receive a reminder email. If payment, in full, is not received within 7 days of the reminder, the account will be suspended. Accounts which remain suspended more than 2 weeks are subject to termination.

Accounts which are reactivated after having been suspended are subject to a $50 account reactivation fee.

Billing Policies & Prices
We reserve the right to change its policies or prices at any time. Prices are guaranteed for the period of pre-payment only.
Fees / Fines
  • Suspended Accounts – accounts suspended due to outstanding balances may be fined up to $50.00 in addition to other fines / fees accrued.
  • Collection Fee – balances not paid in full within 30 days of account suspension / cancellation will compile a 30% collection fee. In addition, user will be responsible for all actual costs of collection, including reasonable attorney’s fees.
  • Special DNS Modifications – MX changes, CNAME change requests are subject to fees of up to $25.00 for each modification.
  • Copyright Violations – customer is responsible for attorneys fees in regards to violations of Copyrighted material when and if Craig Com, Inc is required to take action.